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Day 061: Home on Native Land

Posted in Log

Ottawa to Ottawa, ON
Traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinabek, Huron-Wendat and Algonquin
20 km
Rain all day, 22 ºC

We were at the Faith in Canada 150 Millennial Summit all morning, but I left a bit early to join the Indigenous reoccupation on Parliament Hill. I’m writing this on the morning of July 1 so I’m going to keep it brief. My camera was still malfunctioning due to the rain so again my photos weren’t as high quality or as numerous as I’d like.

This is what I wrote last night about the tipi, the water protectors and their allies.

Heading back downtown now to see what’s going on and to offer support in the best way that I can. In the meantime I finished writing about the Oka Crisis last night, which feels very relevant to the last few days in Ottawa. Lots of learning to be done. On an unrelated note, I realized that comments have been disabled for a number of the recent non-log entries, that’s fixed now.

Jonathon is a semi-professional adventurer with roots in education and activism.

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