The journey from Port Hardy on the North Island to Long Harbour on the Gulf Islands felt like travelling from wilderness to civilization. Northern Vancouver Island is essentially forest and mountain passes and occasional glimpses of far-below rivers. There are mines and logging operations, tourism attractions on the coast, and that felt like pretty much it. South of Campbell River, the Island Highway passes through town after town, steadily growing more developed as it travels towards Nanaimo and Victoria.
In my mind, Glenn marked the transition from north to south. I met him at the Sayward Junction on Highway 19. The next day, I passed the last logging ports before Campbell River, where the highway changed.
I was glad to get out of the rain and Glenn was glad to talk. I learned about his beginnings in craftsmanship, his work with Husqvarna and art festivals and a hotel in Japan. He’s worked with old-growth tree cuts five metres tall and individual wood sculptures that you can hold in your hand.
I don’t have a lot to say other than I met him, and it was interesting, and it was unique. People like Glenn have a unique perspective on things like education, industry, art, politics. He told me about relief technique, and about the trends in the British Columbian forestry industry over the last two decades. That kind of thing.
Eye-opening conversations abound.