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Day 149: Summit

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Strathcona Provincial Park to Strathcona Provincial Park, BC
Traditional territory of the Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw and Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council
Foggy at lower elevation but clear skies with clouds below at the summit

I’m not going to go into too much detail about today because I expect I’ll be writing about it on Exposure once I get a chance to process some more photos and bring them together. Today was a mental health break from the research and the writing and the homesickness. I went to the mountains. I added 150 km of cycling to get to and from Strathcona. 1800 elevation gain and 15 km on—as it turns out—very different muscles from what my body is used to. Made it back to the tent in pitch-black night and slept hard for 12 hours.

More to come on that. For now, mom and dad, I survived the hike.

Jonathon is a semi-professional adventurer with roots in education and activism.

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Day 147: Long Descents