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Day 147: Long Descents

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Woss to Roberts Lake, BC
Traditional territory of the Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw and K’ómoks
Cloudy, light rain in the afternoon and evening

Northern Vancouver Island is pretty deserted. Resource extraction camps here and there for forestry and mining, but for the most part empty highway. Glistening creeks and blue mountains in the distance. A lot of the hills have different levels of scarification with clear cuts and regenerated forest on them. A few of the mountain passes have been really long, pretty gradual climbs with beautifully long descents.

I realized around lunch at Eve River that I had made a mistake with the route to Campbell River. I thought it went through Strathcona Provincial Park and I’d stop to hike King’s Peak on my way to the coast, but after doing my best to figure out the pixellated version of Google Maps I was able to access without cell reception, I decided that the highway really went southeast to Campbell River, then back west to Strathcona. Took some gumption to get on the bike and just ride, not being sure how my plans would change with the distance, weather and food supply.

By late afternoon rain was headed towards me and I followed it until the road got dark and a rest area with misty headlights beckoned. Ate some dinner under the shelter of a tree and then crawled into the tent.

Jonathon is a semi-professional adventurer with roots in education and activism.

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Day 145: Inside Passage