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Day 107: Mountains on the Horizon

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Fort St John to Pink Mountain, BC
Traditional territory of the Métis, Beaver and Dene Tha’
125 km
Sunny but not too hot

More highway life northwest of Fort St John. I met the first bicyclists I’ve seen since Manitoba(!), which was a really great few minutes. I felt reluctant to leave them, wanting to hang on to the sight of other people foolhardy enough to be bicycling up in this part of the world.

“The landscape is about to get really beautiful,” they told me. “Beyond Fort Nelson it really opens up.”

Then they asked what they could expect on their way south towards Dawson Creek. “Oh, rolling hills,” I gestured behind myself. “Logging trucks and dust.” We laughed. I looked forward to the north.

I went by some golden hills and the sun mixed with the gravel roads as I continued on. I kept in contact with my parents, who at that point were on the same highway north of Fort St John. Eventually, they caught me on a long uphill stretch. My dad hugged me and my mom shouted in my ear and I spent the night with family that I hadn’t seen in almost four months.

Jonathon is a semi-professional adventurer with roots in education and activism.

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