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Day 077: Feels Later Than July

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White River to Neys Provincial Park, ON
Traditional territory of the Ojibway and Anishinabek
130 km
No clouds in the sky, 20 ºC

We were on the road by 8:30 AM but it wasn’t until after 11 that I really felt warm. I kept telling myself I should put on a layer but also kept expecting it to get warmer than it did. I ended up looking forward to the sunny uphill stretches (ridiculous, I know) as a way to get warm.

We stopped in Marathon where we briefly had cell reception, then it unexpectedly disappeared again before we reached our destination in Neys. I’ll be writing about Neys because it was the site of a prisoner-of-war camp as well as Japanese Canadian internment.

The sun went down on the lake. Asad spent most of his time talking to Dianne, a woman who is hiking/biking/canoeing/snowshoeing across the Trans-Canada Trail, a 26,000 km stretch which made our own trip feel tame, and I spent most of my talking to Pierre and Lori, a couple camping near us who offered us grapes and dried strawberries and shared their campfire. (The photo of Pierre and Lori is from the next morning.)

Jonathon is a semi-professional adventurer with roots in education and activism.

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